Time for Change - Student Voice Conference Recap

Thursday 26-03-2015 - 14:00
Dsc 5832

Miss the Student Voice Conference in February, or not sure what they are? MDX student Jennifer Igiri is here to fill you in on what went on.

Student Voice Leaders from across the university met on 18th February to discuss and give feedback on course issues, and propose ideas that will improve university life.

Around 50 students from different courses, year groups and schools met together to receive training, discuss ideas, and vote on policies. The conference was split into three main sections:


General Elections Workshops

Students went to a training workshop where they were informed about the importance of voting, and encouraged to register to vote in the May 2015 General Elections.

Some of the issues around campus life affect all students at every university, and it’s important that we know which issues are being raised nationwide, and who has the power to change these things.

The Students’ Union have a wealth of information relating to the General Elections and how they affect YOU! Click here to find out more.


Ideas for Change

Students met in their school groups to discuss specific issues that relate to their course and departments.

Working together with their school voice leader and Vice President, they brainstormed and prioritised the ideas for change that they wanted to see implemented by voting - to make an idea policy it has to be voted on.

Ideas ranged in each meeting – from bigger lockers needed for Art and Design students, to addressing continued placement issues for Health and Education students, to timetabling issues across all schools.

These ideas will be followed up by the Full Time Sabbatical Officers (President and Vice Presidents of MDXSU).

Every idea is worth discussing. If you have an idea for change, or if you want to find out more details about what is happening with these ideas, you can contact the Students’ Union office. Alternatively, you can speak to your Student Voice Leader about the proposed changes that will affect you directly!


University-Wide Issues

The remainder of the conference was allocated to discussing general issues and ideas for change.

The School Voice Leaders fed back about what was happening in each individual school meeting to the rest of the students, allowing students and VPs to identify which issues are evident across all schools.

The Sabbatical Officers then held an accountability session, in which they fed-back about what has been going on in the union, and the future plans they have to better every student’s university experience. This was a key part of the conference, as the elected officers are required to prove that they are delivering the promises made to students, and taking on-board suggestions. Every student is allowed to question and inquire of the Full Time Officers – to ensure transparency within the union, and to make sure every student feels represented.


Two policies were passed at the conference:

Policy One: Improve LDU Academic Writing Support

Proposed by Andy Roy.

Policy Two: Facilities Access for [Middlesex] Alumni

Proposed by Jess Hawke.

Click here to see the policies in full. To find out more about the policies and how they will be implemented, contact the Student Voice team at studentvoice@mdx.ac.uk .


Get involved!

Do you want to see changes made in your course and across campus? Do you reckon you can commit to attending a few meetings, speaking to students on your course and representing their views to members of staff?

Then why not apply to be a Student Voice Leader or contact your current School Voice Leader.

Student Voice Leaders are representatives of their course and the students on their course. There is one elected position for each year group of each course. You can nominate yourself to be elected as a Student Voice Leader at the start of the next academic year!

School Voice Leaders are representative of all students in their school and they are on the Executive Committee with the Sabbatical Officers - the highest student decision makers.

Visit the Student Voice webpages for further details. The full minutes from the conference will be available online soon. The next Student Voice Conference is in April, so keep an eye on our website if you'd like to attend.


Jennifer Igiri

Related Tags :

student voice, student voice conference, news,

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