Elections 2024 changes!

Thursday 15-02-2024 - 16:41

MDXSU has made the decision to restructure the Student Officer positions, which has led to a temporary pause in the current Elections 2024 process.
We understand that this may cause inconvenience and disruption to your plans, and we sincerely apologise for any issues caused. The intent behind this reorganisation is to improve the roles to better represent you as students.
As we work to build a Student Officer structure that better serves the needs of our diverse student body. We are inviting students from next week to feedback during this transitional period. Follow us on Instagram @mdxsu to find out how to get involved. 
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at elections@mdx.ac.uk. Your engagement and participation in shaping the future of MDXSU is valued.



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