MDXSU film night initiative brings communal entertainment to halls

Monday 03-03-2014 - 15:02
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Last year Law student Jennie Brown stood in the MDXSU elections to be elected as the Vice-President for Business and Law. It was when she was on the campaign trail asking students for their opinions on what needed to change that she discovered that many first years wanted a stronger sense of community. 


Jennie decided to offer a solution by promising to create a social provision for halls residents. This policy became a key part of her campaign platform, and as a result she won enough votes to make it happen.


"I was a first year in Platt Halls and although it was a brilliant setting for a stereotypical student experience I did find it isolating at times. Some of my fondest memories at Platt were sitting in the TV room watching random programs and meeting people from around the world and sharing a laugh. After thinking about my own experience and speaking with current halls students I decided to start a regular movie night,  which would be casual, fun, and free." 


Inspired by students' enthusiasm for her policy, Jennie's now organised 4 Platt Hall film screenings - Skyfall, Despicable Me, Monsters University and Frozen - by polling halls residents for film suggestions, negotiating for Viridian to pay for the DVD screening licences, flyering halls, promoting the events on social media and reserving her MDXSU budget to provide free snacks to all who attend.



Halls residents now have a regular event where they can hang out, meet new friends, get to know their union representatives and enjoy a free night of laidback fun. Jennie says, "Students can turn up on their own and not feel the pressure of having to arrange a night out but still meet people in a safe and comfortable homely environment. I love hearing our students laugh together and I always leave with a smile on my face."


The most recent film night, showcasing the new Disney hit Frozen, ran during the exam period and proved a popular choice for students in need of a chance to unwind. Jennie notes: "every sofa was full and students shared a fun and relaxing experience during this stressful time. Throughout the hit song 'Let it Go' you could tell that people were desperate to sing along. Perhaps next year we will host a sing along movie night something like Grease or Moulin Rouge!"





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