United for Education National Demonstration

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United for Education National Demonstration

On Saturday #Nov19 students from Middlesex University will be joining academics and Universities from across the country to march to central London under the banner of United for Education


What even is a demonstration?


Sometimes referred to as a 'demo' or a protest is an action by a mass group or collection of groups of people in favuor of a political or other cause; it normally consists of walking in a mass march formation a designated endpoint, or rally, to hear speakers.


What is it about?


Free, good quality education being a right for all, regardless of ability to pay.


Further Education colleges have been cut to the core, with huge job losses and course closures, and a desperate need for investment that simply isn’t being provided.


In Higher Education, tuition fees are rising and the government is forcing universities to run like businesses. Students are facing higher debt than ever before with maintenance grants and NHS bursaries being scrapped, student loan terms changed and tuition fees set to reach £12,000 by 2026.


Why should I come?


Everything that the demonstration is about will directly have an impact on all students at Middlesex, whether thats a rise in tuition fees or NHS bursaries for our nursing students being cut. We need you to come so we can stand together as one voice with other Students' Unions, NUS and University College Union (UCU) to show Theresa May that students are a powerful force not to be ignored.


On the day


We will meet outside College Building/ the Quad at 10:30am where there will be some warm drinks and a pre-demo briefing so that everyone knows what to expect from the day.


After that we will all walk to Hendon Central to get the tube to Marble Arch to meet students from across the UK ready to march to Millbank. You can find a full route map here.


If you want to join us later there will be a second meeting point in Central London outside 'The Cumberland Hotel' (near Marble Arch) at 12:15pm.


What to bring on the day


  • Topped up Oyster card for the tube
  • Warm clothes (plus some extras – it’s November now!)
  • Snacks, lunch and a bottle of water



Venue : Outside College Building/ Quad

Type: Campaigns & Projects

Start Date: Saturday 19-11-2016 - 10:00

End date: Saturday 19-11-2016 - 16:00

Capacity: 300

Contact Details


Website/URL http://www.nus.org.uk/en/take-action/education/united-for-education/

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