MDXSU Elections 2024: The Results

Friday 22-03-2024 - 13:30

Your votes have been counted, and we can now announce the results of the MDXSU Elections 2024!

3,284 Middlesex University students voted between Monday 18th and Wednesday 20th March, with a total of 10,050 votes being cast across 4 elections.


These elections included the full-time MDXSU President and two officer roles – Education Officer and Activities Officer, as well as three part-time Student Trustee positions.


Thank you to everyone who voted and helped to shape the direction of their Students' Union. Congratulations to this year's candidates for all you have achieved over the past week.

Read on for the results!


The below students will commence their roles in July 2024. The President, Education Officer, Activities Officer and Student Trustees have each been elected for a one-year term.


Education Officer

7 students put themselves forward for this role that focuses on representing students in academic matters within Middlesex University and enriching their student experience, and the winner with 878 votes is...


Mihita Parekh

Elected for the first year in the office, Mihita’s manifesto includes pledges of inclusivity, empowerment and advocacy. 

Click here to read Mihita’s manifesto in full.


Interested in the breakdown of the voting results? Click here!


Activities Officer

10 students put themselves forward for the role that focuses on representing students’ needs relating to the student community at Middlesex University.

And the winner with 921 votes is…



Click here to read Mohit’s full manifesto, which includes pledges for amplifying your students’ voice, unity in diversity and more empowering experiences such as opportunities for personal and professional growth.


Interested in the breakdown of the voting results? Click here!



MDXSU President

This year, 13 students put themselves forward to become MDXSU’s next President. The MDXSU President represents students to the University and external audiences at all levels and they are the public spokesperson for the Students' Union. And the winner is...


Aivin Saji

Click here to read Aivin’s full manifesto, which includes pledges guidance for life after university, tailored programs to sharpen skills and enhance market readiness, and nurture social and emotional development for well-rounded success.


Aivin secured 874 votes - if you want to see the breakdown of voting results, click here!



Student Trustees

As a non-profit, charitable organisation, the work of Middlesex Students' Union is overseen by a Trustee Board - MDXSU's highest governing body. Student Trustees sit on the Trustee Board and help to decide the long-term goals of the Union.

The Student Trustee Election saw three available Student Trustee positions, with 7 students putting themselves forward for the roles with the winning candidates as follows:


Anisha Baphana

Lawrence Nnadi

Smeet Sahil Panjwani


Interested in the breakdown of the voting results? Click here!

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