Ferris Wheel

Did you know your ticket includes unlimited rides on the big Summer Shutdown wheel? Click here to check out some photos from the ride at last year's event. Whether you're a thrill-seeker or you just want to sit back and enjoy the view out across campus and beyond, this ride is an unmissable part of the Shutdown experience.

Top tip: maximise the adrenaline rush by spinning your individual carriage while the wheel spins too (maybe try this before you've sample our food court delights)



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Silent Disco

A huge, inflatable disco igloo will be popping up outside MDX House, housing our three-channel silent disco. Sing like nobody's listening, and don't forget to get some pics - it looks incredible once the sun goes down! Find out more here.



Get some end-of-year mementos with your friends at the photobooth in MDX House.